PRC Volunteer Examination Team

The Patriot Radio Club Hosts a Volunteer Examiner (VE) Team led by Gene (KK7GKO).
The Patriot American Radio Corps of the US (PARC-US) exam team administers completely online video-supervised testing in a friendly positive environment. In-person testing is also available on touchscreen tablets. This option is available for persons not comfortable with the online environment. Our process employs rules for maintaining the integrity of the testing environment. Following these instructions closely will ensure that your test will be efficient and successful.

1. Exam Application
When you sign up for the examination through in association with the Patriot American Radio Corp of the U.S., you’ll initiate the creation of a Form 605 application. Following your registration, you will receive a unique link for your specific examination session. This process will also produce a 4-digit access code, which is essential for accessing and taking your test at a later time.
(Your name on the exam registration must match the name on your FCC license or FRN if applying for a new license. Name changes require separate documentation to be submitted to the FCC.)
2. Federal Registration Number (FRN)
This must be submitted on the exam application. If you do not have an FRN number, you will be able to register for one when you register for the exam. You can also do it yourself by visiting the FCC’s Registration page and clicking “Register for an FRN”.
3. Pay Exam Fee
Exam Fee Payment: You must pay in advance electronically by clicking on the pay button below.
Attention: You MUST pay the exam fee for the exam you are registering for.
If you have any questions, please contact us HERE.

ARRL Exam Fee
The exam fee is $15 if you registered for an ARRL PARC-US Please pay session in advance electronically by clicking the pay now button

A legal photo ID will need to be shown on camera to the VE Team. For online sessions, the VE Team will only accept driver’s licenses, passports for adults, or any government-issued ID.
Under-18 students may show either of the above items, or a student shows a school ID or report card, and a legal guardian presents a photo ID.
* If an applicant is under the age of 13, additional documentation is required. Please download and complete this COPPA form and email it to Please COPY the same email to This is for compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.*
Prepare your exam room
The VE Team must ensure the integrity of the test environment. Be sure you can take the exam uninterrupted.
1. No additional people in the exam room. Inform other family members to not enter the room during your exam.
2. Clear your room of all non-exam materials, notes, books, posters, or items that might aid in testing.
3. Clear your exam table and floor of ALL items within reach or view that would raise suspicions, such as papers, sticky notes, electronic items, headphones, or other items unnecessary for your exam. Please remove any wearable technology, such as Google glasses, Smart Watches, etc.
4. Additional computer screens and TVs in your field of vision need to be covered.
*Have a fully charged cell phone ready to link to the same Zoom meeting. This device might be used to scan your test environment at the request of your VE team. Following the 360-degree view, you might be asked to place the device nearby to observe the exam*
Prepare your computer
The VE Team must ensure the integrity of the test delivery system. Be sure your computer can handle these parameters.
1. You must have a computer with a webcam, microphone, and speakers. Occasionally, an additional device may be needed if technology issues prevent your computer from being used. available. MacOS requires that you unlock a security and privacy setting allowing Zoom to record before your screen can be shared.
2. Your computer must be connected to reliable internet service. An interrupted internet connection can void your exam session.
3. To expedite your session, you are asked to download and test-run Zoom on your computer and phone well in advance of your test session. You will receive your Zoom meeting invitation by email just prior to your exam. Watch for your email invitation minutes before your test!
4. Headsets / Earbuds / Headphones/ Smart Watches / Smart Eyewear / Physical Calculators are not allowed. OPTIONALLY, an on-screen calculator can be utilized to perform calculations.
5. Terminate/Close non-essential applications. These include but are not limited to: Mail, Chat, Alerts, Bluetooth Devices, Virtual Screens, Team Viewer, Steam, Remote Desktops, Discord, or Messaging. Only your web browser, Zoom, and calculator may be active. Your VE team may ask to view the “Show Hidden Icons” caret on your taskbar to see other running applications in your System Tray.
6. Verify your computer is plugged in or fully charged.
7. No Virtual Backgrounds may be applied to your Zoom video feed.
8. You are allowed to use an on-screen calculator during your exam.
9. You will be asked to sign exam documents electronically following your exam.
10. The exam session may be terminated for non-compliance with instructions.

Click the button below to see all of the upcoming test sessions hosted by the PARC-US VE Team >>>